Wednesday, September 25, 2013


4 ways to influence people positively

Everyone has human emotions and take it from someone who understands too well, how to influence other people. Here are ways to communicate better.

All through schooling I felt the need to understand other people's feelings. My own human emotions were too difficult to handle. My emotions too confusing to understand. I strive to make others around me happy, helping them to understand themselves and trust in other people. Ultimately I was influencing other people. It wasn't until I considered myself an adult that I began to realize how much control I had taught myself over the years over my own human emotions.

I learned to understand other people better by connecting with other people’s feelings to the point where I could feel the way they did, but still think with my soul enough to know that I was "outside of the box". I could see things in a bigger way then they could, and had the opportunity to provide them with the advice about their human interactions to cause a behavior change. Isn't that what people want when they ask for advice or talk about their personal problems? People go around and around with circularly viscous chaos in their minds, and often they have a desire for someone to tell them what they cannot see themselves. Right? Someone to understand their human emotions better.

I think this is true because this is what I wanted someone to be able to do for me, understand me better and tell me about my human emotions, that I wasn't totally insane. Later in life I found friends who truly listened but what really turned me around is when I began to understand myself through other people's feelings with my communication skills. 

how to win friends & influence people by dale carnegie
Click for more info!
My father in my senior year gave me the book, How To Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnedgie. This was the year that I met the love of my life, graduated high school, and I knew who my true friends were going to be, even after high school. I was confident in myself and I was living a happy life. I began to understand that I deserved to feel good and life a happy life! I began to choose when to understand people's feelings, and when to listen to other people's advice, instead of giving it. 

How To Win Friends & Influence People is about how to overcome communication problems and what good communication skills are. 
It outlines ways to listen, ways to learn and ways to influences other people to ultimately get heard by others. I struggled to have an emotional voice about my own self. But I had an ability to influence other people with insight with a light heart but a solid conviction and enthusiasm for life. This book taught me how to treat others, and how to influence other people to treat me the same way. I've led a happy life because of this and isn't that what we all want? To be heard, loved and influenced by people that care about you?

I encourage everyone who works with people, loves people, has a loud and speaking voice in the world, to take this book seriously. It is well written, easy to understand the stories are on point, engaging and very entertaining.

A beginning theme of the book is to not be negative, to provide people with encouraging, great motivation by being around you and especially when communicating with you. I think we all agree, that we do not like to be criticized. Persons who often start a conversation with, “No, you don’t-“ often do not get taken seriously. Let’s analyze these words. People who often say "yes!" to good opportunites as they arise, regardless of any fear involved, tend to live a happy life and experience many different things in life.

NO! is the most negative word, ever. 
It means to not, to refuse, danger, or rejection. This is why the word exists. In this world, "no" is typically not the answer someone is ever hoping to receive and usually results in people's feelings being hurt, even if they don't look like it. "No" can leave someone in a very negative attitude and low self esteem. If your one to use this word on a daily basis, especially to start a sentence with, you are probably rejecting a lot that life is attempting to offer you. You are probably also refusing your own human emotions. And if you are someone who generally receives a lot of “no thanks” from others, it’s probably because they are not convincing people to trust, accept or desire anything from themselves. Take the time to learn good communication skills so that you can influence others in a positive way. This is not the way to live a happy life. Start say "yes" and ask questions in a way that will encourage people to agree and say, "Yes!".

The key to getting people to like you, is to convince them that YOU THINK they are amazing!
The word, when heard, “You”, is a very personal reference to someone. It is directly about a single person and thus, people comprehend that they are being talked about instantly. No one likes someone who gives the same flat compliment, “Nice shoes”, to everyone they see. It’s an insult resulting in a negative response. People like to be talked to like they are some special. People would rather not receive a compliment at all, if it isn't a personal compliment. Something along the lines of, “I think your voice when you talk to him is so cute. I love to listen to you talk when you’re serious about something or someone, it’s the same soft tone you use.” And as long as you can back yourself up with why you think that way, especially to a woman, your golden for life with someone who thinks that you notice them, care about them, and like who they are. (Even, if you don’t…)

If you want to be heard, say things that matter and don’t say things that don’t matter. 
people talkingIf you are regarded as someone who makes jokes and creates an uplifting environment, then you are already doing something that matters to people. But if you’re the one in the back that babbles about everything and your wondering why no one wants to listen to you anymore, it’s because you have not convinced people that what you are talking about is important for them to know too. People get heard when they talk most often, about things that they know about from experience and other people can learn from or laugh about because they relate to it. If you can make someone feel like you feel by communicating well, you’re probably a very influential and respected person. People who tell people that they can’t do something, create an environment of competition, rebellion, or something resembling personal politics. In communicating effectively with others as a general rule, don’t insult people, don’t tell people what they can’t do, don’t speak negatively of something they might do. Just don’t.
Just like I shouldn't be writing to not say don’t by saying don’t do it this way. Trust me, there are reasons for all of this. Try it out.

There are exceptions to every rule in a personal conversation. 
No one person is ever right. It’s a joint effort to find answers to solve problems. And it’s up to you to convince yourself of your own problems and find solutions. No one person has gone through the exact same thing, don’t expect that someone is going to relate to one another in exactly the same way. (Maybe I should take my own advise, all these no’s and don’t everywhere, am I being convincing?)

Sometimes the minor differences are where the truth lies in someone else's life lesson. Don’t forget that you could learn from those small differences! If you can explain your minor differences in a way that makes other people think about themselves more, you have probably led a conversation that will last much longer in the mind than that of the weather yesterday. Make people think differently than yesterday and you've made a lasting impression.

When was the last time someone told you not to do something?
When was the last time someone made you feel like you were wrong about something?
Who was the last person to give you an honest compliment? How do you feel about them now?
Do you try to make a lasting impression on someone, or do people tend to forget your name?

How do you influence people the most?

Learn More About Influencing Others

how to win friends & influence people by dale carnegie
Click for more info!
As I mentioned, this book by Dale Carnegie changed by whole perspective on how I communicate with people, understand people's feelings and get people to ultimately, like me for who I am. It's a very improtant aspect of life. To know how to make people feel important, how to get your point across, respect from your boss and explain things to your parents. 

 Click to find out more :  How to Win Friends & Influence People

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