Thursday, September 26, 2013


Us adults we are always thinking and complaining that our lives are never ending and so darn busy. We are in awe at the innocence of children. Here are some ways to notice the little things about life once again and reconnect with your true nature to create some positive energy in your life.

Children are incapable of knowing more than what is right in front of them at the time. Or at least that’s what it looks like.

Children are constantly checking things out. From random minerals on the ground, to new animals, to new shapes and designs. Their brain development is increasing because of learning new things all day every day. The body mind is making new paths of memory, visual depictions, understanding sounds, developing immunity and not to mention the emotional part of life and managing personal relationships. All the little things in life awe children and they are more effected by small changes in the environment around them such as kinetic energy or positive energy from your family pet.

How do you get back that innocence to enjoy one moment at a time and still know what already know from living your life? After all, you can’t just forget about your life!

Here are some tips on how you can get back to some innocent living, simple thinking and creating positive energy in your life:

Listen to your natural surroundings closely.

As we grow older, we tend to be able to tune things out, am I right? All our lives, most of us have been overloaded with sound and bodily commotions around people. This definitely teaches our body mind to ignore the little things about life that may distract us. We tend to teach ourselves how to concentrate on something, and tune out the rest. But this is not always the best practice in our day to day lives. Especially after living thousands of days like today. Or so you thought, until now.

Take the time to listen to more of what is going on around you all the time.

Listen to the conversation you are in, between the lines.

On your next walk, listen specifically to any nearby animals (even on busy city streets, there are always birds talking too). 

The wind tells you many things, do not be ignorant to the powerful wisdom of the wind. Everyday.

Find your nearby elements: water, fire, air and earth.

Children are always captivated by the energy that these elements give to us. Often this is kinetic energy, the energy of motion happening. Children recognize it for what it is, the comfort and positive energy it provides them through feeling kinetic energy and the chemical energy it produces inside of their body minds. It can energizes them or calm them easily. Take note that these are important to our body mind and emotional health. The elements, each in their own way, boost our energy and touch and tune our spirits and souls.

Find nearby grass areas and walk on them.

If there is live fire somewhere that you did not notice before (perhaps a burning candle in a random store), take the moment to breath in it’s warmth from thermal energy.

I personally, have a deep love for running water and often go the extra mile to let my kitty drink from the water as I let the universe flow through me.

Wind and air, is usually the easiest to come by. I find that the air speaks the loudest to those who even attempt for a second to hear it.
Many a secrets come by way of wind.

Touch things that you wouldn't normally reach for.

Most things have life that they produce and reproduce. Even solid, nonliving objects carry energy. Emotional attachments to objects are our emotions and memories... mostly. There are certain minerals and objects made of products that hold or store energy. And I believe that power of believing in something, is more than enough for it to be living a real life.

Every object is it’s own. Even if there are many of the same product, especially objects that are hand made or remade in some way, have a specialty about them. Appreciate the little details and how much time things must take to create.

Spend extra time on the beauty of wood work and craftsmanship, as this was once a living and breathing tree, that is now serving yet another purpose. Thank the wood and the grains for being strong in its purposes.

 Keep some rocks and minerals close by as these are very powerful pieces of our earth and what it produces. Rocks and minerals have the ability to store massive amounts of positive energy. They can help to balance our life's energy and realign our spiritual self.

CHALLENGE: If you don't believe me, carry around a small pocket mineral for one week straight without looking up it's meaning. After one week, check what the mineral typically represents and can help with. Did it help you through your week in that way?

Don’t walk away from every stranger. Be the stranger to make someone’s day.

A lot of very young children, especially when just learning to speak, give many gifts. They are often being taught to share and be nice. So they often have a calling, a desire, to share things and make people smile because they have learned what if feels like to be happy.

You Are Beautiful Movement
Take part in the movement that leaves
 love and beauty everywhere.
Leave a note that says, "You are beautiful" anywhere
& everywhere you go. (Sticky notes work well!)

Don’t forget to go the extra mile to help someone, provide advice or give a gift to a new friend at work for no reason. Making others feel good on a normal basis is contagious.

How about you drop a doughnut in the homeless man’s cup on your way out of the coffee shop and tell them someone cares.

Or even better, show up with a deck of cards in a public place and play cards with a local teenager in the park with their friends.

Take your amazing dog for a walk for the purpose of socializing your pet and yourself. Purposefully asking, “Would you like to meet Roger the Retriever? My name is ..”

Give away a few pocket minerals to close friends and ask them how they feel in one week, then look up and tell them what that mineral represents.

Pick up small things and marvel at them, often.

As adults we often have to think much larger than we are. We have to schedule our weeks in advance and we pay bills for the following weeks for future plans. So we don’t really take enough time to sit back and marvel at the little things, which often bring the most happiness. We ignore the influences of kinetic energy and minerals, but we complain all day about silly little issues. 
If these small things in life mean so much to you, find the little things that make the biggest difference and create positive energy. 

Small objects such as minerals, rocks, bark, marbles and seeds are a few things that you could think about for hours while tossing them around in your hands. The amount of knowledge that you didn't know you had, is astounding!

Take note to the little things that people do. Small little wrinkles in your husband’s nose or the freckles on your nieces shoulders. There is beauty in everything, everywhere you look.

Eat and admire an assortment of fruit with your significant other. Take note of it's feel, taste, smell, appearance, everything little thing. One at a time.

Leave a small note on the restaurant bathroom with a sticky note “You are Beautiful”, or take up your own participation in the You Are Beautiful Movement.

Leave a smiley face on all the used napkins in a pile, “Tell the cook he’s awesome for us.”

Take notice in personal qualities or appearances that interest you about other people, regardless if you know their name.

I'll leave you with these thoughts in mind: 

"Each day holds possibilities for great discoveries and hidden joys. Enjoy everything."

Want to know about the power of rocks, minerals and crystals? : Proud to introduce to you Spirit Science, The Crystal Movie

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