Monday, March 30, 2015


"We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more" ~ Carl Jung 

Personal Story

I didn't grow up learning Astrology in school or from home. I took it up on my own, curious first about how the moon affects water. Knowing how much of our bodies are made up of water, and hearing of the Dr Masaru Emoto Hado Water Crystals experiments, well my mind kept on spinning those theories.

Above is a small introduction to the experiments that prove that water can translate and transform not only it's shape, but it's molecular structure. The tide is controlled by the moon on a daily basis I heard one day. And these two things got me thinking about the pull and the influence of the planets. After a few books and a few thoughtful insights into myself, and I was quickly becoming an Astrologer. 

Astrology in History

Once I started to understand how far back this study of psychological influence from the planets went, I started to understand the world and people much clearer. I started to study myself and then my life as I was living it, on a daily basis. The traits go very deep, and have been studied and used longer than any other psychology study of any kind. This was the creation of the clock, calendar, mathematics, and tied together with  personality and psychology studies. Thousands of years BC, some of the greatest minds of all time, studied the stars for understanding of their journeys. Billionaires and officials of today use astrologers to help make major decisions and strategize global changes and decisions. 

So what’s to keep you from knowing yourself and the world around you and how it is being influenced and guided?

Horoscope’s Negative Nancy

"The soul of the newly born baby is marked for life by the pattern of the stars at the moment it comes into the world, unconsciously remembers it, and remains sensitive to the return of configurations of a similar kind. " ~ Johannes Kepler, Harmonies of the World

The biggest, most common statement I get from Negative Nancy that tries to “tear down” my belief in horoscopes immediately is “What the hell does my birth time have to do with reading a horoscope in today’s newspaper, they are totally irrelevant!”

A daily horoscope isn't telling you about your birth time, it is doing exactly what you think it is. A daily horoscope generalizes what is happening in the current day, referring to where the planets are at this time and how their relationships are effecting us here today. It’s telling us how to relate to them as individuals, by reading “your sign” horoscope. So yes, it is generalized and should suit everyone that reads it, because we are all being effected by the same planets on the same day.
Once they understand this, hopefully the Negative Nancy who tried to tear me down before I even get started, realizes that is a pretty ignorant statement to make about astrology right from the get-go like that. Especially because reading under your sign, is meant to make the planets of the day “relevant to you”, more than reading an “unfamiliar” sign. (It’s like wearing someone else’s shoes, even if you can put them on, it doesn't mean you want to wear them all day…)

Understanding a Horoscope on a Daily-Basis

"Millionaires don't have astrologers, billionaires do." ~ J.P. Morgan

What horoscope authors do is take in the planetary horoscope of all signs, and then identify the “traits” and personality of the day. They then relate those energies and general influences into a more defined expectation of the day presented to best suit that personality. This is so that it will be understood and utilized better. Other things can influence that sign more than others, and in which house those signs are entering may have a different influence over your social life, rather than your emotional well being for example.

I read my sun sign, then my moon sign, then my rising.

I read my sun sign to know how I’ll really feel. I read my moon sign to know how my emotions are going to handle those feelings. And I read my rising sign to know how I will react to those feelings. My Venus and Mars signs will tell me more about how I might take action or have passion about those feelings. And I’ll rely on Mercury to tell me how I should communicate my feelings to the world.

Personal Closing

After watching and reading my horoscope and studying intensely for over a year, I began to rely on the information for general use, security and making important decisions about what to focus on. Being careful not to go “against the tide” of the Moon.

By using the tips and general flow of how the planets are interacting, it can help to lead you into each lesson that life has to offer. It helps to pay attention to life as well. To take action with your brain, actively thinking, planning and opening yourself to the expression that will come through in that day. The expectation is set, mind is over matter and with the help of Astrology, I have managed to create myself a life I enjoy. And create new, each and every day.

Astrology Resources & Links

There is a page dedicated to Astrology Resources already, please visit : 

Astrology Resources & Links

Cafe Astrology

Easy to read, loads of resources, updated frequently. Well organized resources and articles for education. 


This site has a powerful chart-creator. From birth dates, to the current date, it's accurate and has a great interface! You can click on icons to learn more and edit for further customization. Although the site is not the easiest to nativate, you can save your birth chart information profiles, so that you can easily look at your family and friends at a later time without having to remember their information. 


Free Birth Chart by Cafe Astrology 

Free Birth Chart by AstroTheme 


The House Descriptions by AstroTheme


These boards are created with the intention of bringing to life the personality of each sign. There are artistic images, memes and quotes, famous people of that sign and general "ruler-ship" qualities of that sign. Boards created and maintained by Changing Dayz!

Astrology Art Interpretation
Scorpio art