Thursday, September 26, 2013


Us adults we are always thinking and complaining that our lives are never ending and so darn busy. We are in awe at the innocence of children. Here are some ways to notice the little things about life once again and reconnect with your true nature to create some positive energy in your life.

Children are incapable of knowing more than what is right in front of them at the time. Or at least that’s what it looks like.

Children are constantly checking things out. From random minerals on the ground, to new animals, to new shapes and designs. Their brain development is increasing because of learning new things all day every day. The body mind is making new paths of memory, visual depictions, understanding sounds, developing immunity and not to mention the emotional part of life and managing personal relationships. All the little things in life awe children and they are more effected by small changes in the environment around them such as kinetic energy or positive energy from your family pet.

How do you get back that innocence to enjoy one moment at a time and still know what already know from living your life? After all, you can’t just forget about your life!

Here are some tips on how you can get back to some innocent living, simple thinking and creating positive energy in your life:

Listen to your natural surroundings closely.

As we grow older, we tend to be able to tune things out, am I right? All our lives, most of us have been overloaded with sound and bodily commotions around people. This definitely teaches our body mind to ignore the little things about life that may distract us. We tend to teach ourselves how to concentrate on something, and tune out the rest. But this is not always the best practice in our day to day lives. Especially after living thousands of days like today. Or so you thought, until now.

Take the time to listen to more of what is going on around you all the time.

Listen to the conversation you are in, between the lines.

On your next walk, listen specifically to any nearby animals (even on busy city streets, there are always birds talking too). 

The wind tells you many things, do not be ignorant to the powerful wisdom of the wind. Everyday.

Find your nearby elements: water, fire, air and earth.

Children are always captivated by the energy that these elements give to us. Often this is kinetic energy, the energy of motion happening. Children recognize it for what it is, the comfort and positive energy it provides them through feeling kinetic energy and the chemical energy it produces inside of their body minds. It can energizes them or calm them easily. Take note that these are important to our body mind and emotional health. The elements, each in their own way, boost our energy and touch and tune our spirits and souls.

Find nearby grass areas and walk on them.

If there is live fire somewhere that you did not notice before (perhaps a burning candle in a random store), take the moment to breath in it’s warmth from thermal energy.

I personally, have a deep love for running water and often go the extra mile to let my kitty drink from the water as I let the universe flow through me.

Wind and air, is usually the easiest to come by. I find that the air speaks the loudest to those who even attempt for a second to hear it.
Many a secrets come by way of wind.

Touch things that you wouldn't normally reach for.

Most things have life that they produce and reproduce. Even solid, nonliving objects carry energy. Emotional attachments to objects are our emotions and memories... mostly. There are certain minerals and objects made of products that hold or store energy. And I believe that power of believing in something, is more than enough for it to be living a real life.

Every object is it’s own. Even if there are many of the same product, especially objects that are hand made or remade in some way, have a specialty about them. Appreciate the little details and how much time things must take to create.

Spend extra time on the beauty of wood work and craftsmanship, as this was once a living and breathing tree, that is now serving yet another purpose. Thank the wood and the grains for being strong in its purposes.

 Keep some rocks and minerals close by as these are very powerful pieces of our earth and what it produces. Rocks and minerals have the ability to store massive amounts of positive energy. They can help to balance our life's energy and realign our spiritual self.

CHALLENGE: If you don't believe me, carry around a small pocket mineral for one week straight without looking up it's meaning. After one week, check what the mineral typically represents and can help with. Did it help you through your week in that way?

Don’t walk away from every stranger. Be the stranger to make someone’s day.

A lot of very young children, especially when just learning to speak, give many gifts. They are often being taught to share and be nice. So they often have a calling, a desire, to share things and make people smile because they have learned what if feels like to be happy.

You Are Beautiful Movement
Take part in the movement that leaves
 love and beauty everywhere.
Leave a note that says, "You are beautiful" anywhere
& everywhere you go. (Sticky notes work well!)

Don’t forget to go the extra mile to help someone, provide advice or give a gift to a new friend at work for no reason. Making others feel good on a normal basis is contagious.

How about you drop a doughnut in the homeless man’s cup on your way out of the coffee shop and tell them someone cares.

Or even better, show up with a deck of cards in a public place and play cards with a local teenager in the park with their friends.

Take your amazing dog for a walk for the purpose of socializing your pet and yourself. Purposefully asking, “Would you like to meet Roger the Retriever? My name is ..”

Give away a few pocket minerals to close friends and ask them how they feel in one week, then look up and tell them what that mineral represents.

Pick up small things and marvel at them, often.

As adults we often have to think much larger than we are. We have to schedule our weeks in advance and we pay bills for the following weeks for future plans. So we don’t really take enough time to sit back and marvel at the little things, which often bring the most happiness. We ignore the influences of kinetic energy and minerals, but we complain all day about silly little issues. 
If these small things in life mean so much to you, find the little things that make the biggest difference and create positive energy. 

Small objects such as minerals, rocks, bark, marbles and seeds are a few things that you could think about for hours while tossing them around in your hands. The amount of knowledge that you didn't know you had, is astounding!

Take note to the little things that people do. Small little wrinkles in your husband’s nose or the freckles on your nieces shoulders. There is beauty in everything, everywhere you look.

Eat and admire an assortment of fruit with your significant other. Take note of it's feel, taste, smell, appearance, everything little thing. One at a time.

Leave a small note on the restaurant bathroom with a sticky note “You are Beautiful”, or take up your own participation in the You Are Beautiful Movement.

Leave a smiley face on all the used napkins in a pile, “Tell the cook he’s awesome for us.”

Take notice in personal qualities or appearances that interest you about other people, regardless if you know their name.

I'll leave you with these thoughts in mind: 

"Each day holds possibilities for great discoveries and hidden joys. Enjoy everything."

Want to know about the power of rocks, minerals and crystals? : Proud to introduce to you Spirit Science, The Crystal Movie

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Where you are going...

Open your heart to what is in front of you. Where you are is the path and the goal. Remember that where you are going is right here, right now.


4 ways to influence people positively

Everyone has human emotions and take it from someone who understands too well, how to influence other people. Here are ways to communicate better.

All through schooling I felt the need to understand other people's feelings. My own human emotions were too difficult to handle. My emotions too confusing to understand. I strive to make others around me happy, helping them to understand themselves and trust in other people. Ultimately I was influencing other people. It wasn't until I considered myself an adult that I began to realize how much control I had taught myself over the years over my own human emotions.

I learned to understand other people better by connecting with other people’s feelings to the point where I could feel the way they did, but still think with my soul enough to know that I was "outside of the box". I could see things in a bigger way then they could, and had the opportunity to provide them with the advice about their human interactions to cause a behavior change. Isn't that what people want when they ask for advice or talk about their personal problems? People go around and around with circularly viscous chaos in their minds, and often they have a desire for someone to tell them what they cannot see themselves. Right? Someone to understand their human emotions better.

I think this is true because this is what I wanted someone to be able to do for me, understand me better and tell me about my human emotions, that I wasn't totally insane. Later in life I found friends who truly listened but what really turned me around is when I began to understand myself through other people's feelings with my communication skills. 

how to win friends & influence people by dale carnegie
Click for more info!
My father in my senior year gave me the book, How To Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnedgie. This was the year that I met the love of my life, graduated high school, and I knew who my true friends were going to be, even after high school. I was confident in myself and I was living a happy life. I began to understand that I deserved to feel good and life a happy life! I began to choose when to understand people's feelings, and when to listen to other people's advice, instead of giving it. 

How To Win Friends & Influence People is about how to overcome communication problems and what good communication skills are. 
It outlines ways to listen, ways to learn and ways to influences other people to ultimately get heard by others. I struggled to have an emotional voice about my own self. But I had an ability to influence other people with insight with a light heart but a solid conviction and enthusiasm for life. This book taught me how to treat others, and how to influence other people to treat me the same way. I've led a happy life because of this and isn't that what we all want? To be heard, loved and influenced by people that care about you?

I encourage everyone who works with people, loves people, has a loud and speaking voice in the world, to take this book seriously. It is well written, easy to understand the stories are on point, engaging and very entertaining.

A beginning theme of the book is to not be negative, to provide people with encouraging, great motivation by being around you and especially when communicating with you. I think we all agree, that we do not like to be criticized. Persons who often start a conversation with, “No, you don’t-“ often do not get taken seriously. Let’s analyze these words. People who often say "yes!" to good opportunites as they arise, regardless of any fear involved, tend to live a happy life and experience many different things in life.

NO! is the most negative word, ever. 
It means to not, to refuse, danger, or rejection. This is why the word exists. In this world, "no" is typically not the answer someone is ever hoping to receive and usually results in people's feelings being hurt, even if they don't look like it. "No" can leave someone in a very negative attitude and low self esteem. If your one to use this word on a daily basis, especially to start a sentence with, you are probably rejecting a lot that life is attempting to offer you. You are probably also refusing your own human emotions. And if you are someone who generally receives a lot of “no thanks” from others, it’s probably because they are not convincing people to trust, accept or desire anything from themselves. Take the time to learn good communication skills so that you can influence others in a positive way. This is not the way to live a happy life. Start say "yes" and ask questions in a way that will encourage people to agree and say, "Yes!".

The key to getting people to like you, is to convince them that YOU THINK they are amazing!
The word, when heard, “You”, is a very personal reference to someone. It is directly about a single person and thus, people comprehend that they are being talked about instantly. No one likes someone who gives the same flat compliment, “Nice shoes”, to everyone they see. It’s an insult resulting in a negative response. People like to be talked to like they are some special. People would rather not receive a compliment at all, if it isn't a personal compliment. Something along the lines of, “I think your voice when you talk to him is so cute. I love to listen to you talk when you’re serious about something or someone, it’s the same soft tone you use.” And as long as you can back yourself up with why you think that way, especially to a woman, your golden for life with someone who thinks that you notice them, care about them, and like who they are. (Even, if you don’t…)

If you want to be heard, say things that matter and don’t say things that don’t matter. 
people talkingIf you are regarded as someone who makes jokes and creates an uplifting environment, then you are already doing something that matters to people. But if you’re the one in the back that babbles about everything and your wondering why no one wants to listen to you anymore, it’s because you have not convinced people that what you are talking about is important for them to know too. People get heard when they talk most often, about things that they know about from experience and other people can learn from or laugh about because they relate to it. If you can make someone feel like you feel by communicating well, you’re probably a very influential and respected person. People who tell people that they can’t do something, create an environment of competition, rebellion, or something resembling personal politics. In communicating effectively with others as a general rule, don’t insult people, don’t tell people what they can’t do, don’t speak negatively of something they might do. Just don’t.
Just like I shouldn't be writing to not say don’t by saying don’t do it this way. Trust me, there are reasons for all of this. Try it out.

There are exceptions to every rule in a personal conversation. 
No one person is ever right. It’s a joint effort to find answers to solve problems. And it’s up to you to convince yourself of your own problems and find solutions. No one person has gone through the exact same thing, don’t expect that someone is going to relate to one another in exactly the same way. (Maybe I should take my own advise, all these no’s and don’t everywhere, am I being convincing?)

Sometimes the minor differences are where the truth lies in someone else's life lesson. Don’t forget that you could learn from those small differences! If you can explain your minor differences in a way that makes other people think about themselves more, you have probably led a conversation that will last much longer in the mind than that of the weather yesterday. Make people think differently than yesterday and you've made a lasting impression.

When was the last time someone told you not to do something?
When was the last time someone made you feel like you were wrong about something?
Who was the last person to give you an honest compliment? How do you feel about them now?
Do you try to make a lasting impression on someone, or do people tend to forget your name?

How do you influence people the most?

Learn More About Influencing Others

how to win friends & influence people by dale carnegie
Click for more info!
As I mentioned, this book by Dale Carnegie changed by whole perspective on how I communicate with people, understand people's feelings and get people to ultimately, like me for who I am. It's a very improtant aspect of life. To know how to make people feel important, how to get your point across, respect from your boss and explain things to your parents. 

 Click to find out more :  How to Win Friends & Influence People

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Imagine Yourself... Wiser

Original Photography by Caylene Hornibrook 

Imagine yourself sitting in a very quiet place. You attempt to speak words of wisdom, but they will not come out. Each time the words stay inside, you gain spiritual energy. Let the wisdom build up -- you are learning the wisdom of silence. Stop trying to speak and just sit. You are becoming wiser. 


One of the biggest and most life changing realizations was that my body, mind and inner spirit are all connected and one does not ultimately control all the others.

your thought process changes everything @changingdayz
You have an inner spirit that is all your own. Yes, I am referring to the human soul. Although, I feel it is much more than human but renewed energy that is a unique personality that dictates who you are as this current human being. This unique character reacts to situations regardless of your mind or your body. The body mind works as one mechanical unit that is usually guided by your inner desire or your inner spirit, the soul. Where as your body it clothing. Your body mind, acting as your knowledge base and connection to others.

For you to really enjoy any kind of alternative writing that I may provide here, you must come here with an open mind and involve yourself in the thought process of thinking differently from now on. I decided upon the name Changing Days because from one day to the next, we are learning new things that change our lives from that moment on and our thought process should be a result of that. People who choose to consistently challenge their subconscious mind and what they think that they know, end up taking in more alternative information on the process of experiencing life deeply. Allowing your brain development to engage in a way that takes in new information well and can contradict the alternatives and problem solve will bring positive changes in your life, with out no doubt.This means that you can find many different answers to the same question and are able to hear your inner spirit guiding you through your actions, pushing you forward clearly. People can more easily understand the big picture and the thought processes of why. In a way, this is developmental psychology that happens to us as we grow up. But in this way of our thought process changing, sometimes you can become lost in everyday habits and schedules. Yes, I might be talking about breaking bad habits.

The Body Mind In Action

Have you realized yet that the brain is plastic? It used to be thought (not that long ago actually) that once you learned something, it was impossible to relearn. That once you have a stroke, you can’t walk or if you were born with an illness you would die with it, or that if you had brain damage you were doomed for life in bed. The reality is that our neurological networks can be rewired and rebuild themselves to learn new things in completely different ways if needed...

The fault is if you do not challenge it in appropriate ways, your brain function will default to always do things the same way, the same reactions as before.
The definition of insanity, is doing the same things over and over, expecting different results.
There are ways to consciously change your thought process. But it must be a conscious effort to do so. Even after sever brain damage, if challenged in the right ways, your brain will teach itself to work around the damage and compensate for it in different ways. Open yourself up to the idea that there are new ways of changing your thought process that can dramatically affect your life.

I’m not saying that I’m ever 100% correct here, or that I am a scientist with all the answers. I just have knowledge and belief in sciences such as the body-mind and it's effect on my reality. I've challenged these ideas in my own life. I am writing these things to make you think, to stir more questions and create more communication with others so that we can retrain our thought process to improve our life. Not relying on life to “just happen” to learn things by accident or chance, but to learn by making a conscious effort with others. Even knowing how to listen to yoursedf better every day is a huge step. Too many desires are left ignored. 

Challenge Your Subconscious Thought Processes 

There is always something that you don’t know. So, when you have the opportunity to take in information that someone is willing to talk to you about, listen up and challenge your conscious mind to listen closely to the meaning that you do not yet understand. I promise this will result in positive changes.
Alternatively, if you know something that you feel someone could benefit from, you can only hope that they are open to listening and give them a shot. You can always try to pass along a great piece of knowledge that you know, or lead them to someone who you know can help them learn more to create those positive changes in their life. In return, you learn by helping others.

How does it make you feel when I say that "Your mind does not control everything that you do."
You live life with your heart, your inner desire or inner spirit (a lot) more than you think that you do, that you are literally can controlling your body and your mind as one working unit, not two. Does that surprise you and make you think, “I know that’s not true!” Well, how about when your body reacts regardless of your brain function?

Did you know that when the doctor tests your reflexes and makes your knee jump, that your knee reacts without communicating to your brain to make it happen. The body mind takes over. The muscular reflexes act without brain activity signaling the muscle. The body is scattered with areas that act like the “brain” was typically thought to do for you. These areas send signals to their surrounding locations of governance without your brain telling it to do so. In fact, your thought process is often too busy creating your feelings about what is happening to your knee, telling you what you feel because of what your knee is doing. Your body can and does react on its own consistently and thus your body has a subconscious memory too.

There is a lot of new science that is coming out. Some are big revolutionary ideas, not just theories or radical thinking. Solid, proven fact can amount to a new way of life in this age, a whole new thought process for how to live a happy life with happy thoughts and create positive changes in your life. We would be wise to consider this new science that says that your mind, body and inner spirit are all equal and work together, not for each other. Also, realize that we are all inter connected to each other. We share energy. Does that surprise you?

Do You Have the Answers?

What do you think about the new science?
Does it scare you?
What have you heard about lately?
What were you taught as a kid that has now been proven differently?
What are some things that don’t make sense yet, that science is bound to discover? Any hunches?

Reading Your Mind

Let me introduce to you, James Twyman a talented individual who got me thinking differently about my connections with people and the world around me. My thought process after seeing this video, changed dramatically. Watch for the post tomorrow about what this means for us human beings and how we are all connected.I'll talk more about human psychology, neuroscience, social connections and later, how to influence people and start long term friendships.

Keep connected by subscribing to the blog to find out more.

The Proof - Part 1 with James Twyman

The Proof - Part 2 with James Twyman

Keep connected by subscribing to the blog to find out more.

Monday, September 23, 2013


I grew up thinking that the brain controls the body. That my soul didn't belong to me, that God owns my soul. And that not all science could be trusted or understood. I grew up thinking that there were too many questions to ever have real answers. This is what I came to understand.

learning about the bodymindNow, I am no science major or psychic, only a human being that has always felt a deep connection with people, an extreme empathy for others. I have adaptability when it comes to people and understanding their emotions. In other words, I can try on many different shoes. If they are strong emotions of positive energy or negative energy, I often feel them inside myself. Because of this, I have learned to control feelings and “let go” of negative emotions, especially those that are not my own.

I have been fascinated by human beings, physiological psychology, body mind studies and many other scientific alternatives since I was young, but I never did well in Science Class. At that age I don’t think I could think farther than “Why do I need to know this?”, instead of asking the question, “What am I and how do I work?” That came later.

Psychology and Biology in High School can be interesting when you get to dissecting frogs and learning about the skeleton. Of course, because it involves student engagement. I always thought that it would be more entertaining though, loving people so much and all being in science class. But no. To my disappointment, it was all definitions and memorizing the right sentences for tests, taking class notes, never about realizing what it meant to our lives and how we worked. Never about student engagement, and I have strong emotions about this. There was a serious lack of student engagement or real life practice and examples that left a solid learning impression! Luckily I passed the general education classes, although it was not as interesting of a learning process as I would have liked and have had to relearn a lot of my childhood education.

I grew up thinking that the brain controls the body. That my soul didn't belong to me, that God owns my soul. And that not all science could be trusted or understood. I grew up thinking that there were too many questions to ever have real answers.

the body mind duality is supported by the spiritAs a young human being with extremely empathy and strong emotions for other people as well as myself, I began to wonder and question life as I knew it. Questioning what the body mind really was and what I was capable of with "The Secret" positive thinking. I started reading e books and studying new scientific research books, practicing positive thinking with my body mind and brain exercises to increase brain functionality for learning new things. I began to look at myself and my body mind, differently every day.I began to create my own reality.

There are a few books that really changed by life and created very strong emotions in me. I realize now that we live in a day and age where information, scientific answers, and alternative health options are everywhere and most often, very easily accessible. From anywhere!  I began to create my own reality and use it to my advantage. I took it upon myself to gain new learning skills that I didn't learn in science class by putting myself through online self schooling. I began to realize that my extreme empathy could be used to help influence other people. That there were books and e books, online education programs and free lesson plans out there that teach techniques to change your life.

I have since found some of these books and have learned to control my strong emotions and create my own reality. But also, to remain in the moment and calm when my extreme empathy takes in other people's energy. Meaning that I not only control my own , but those around me who had strong emotions at the time. To know how my body mind works and reacts, is very important to my human functionality.

College always haunts my mind. Feeling like I could really use the degree, and for family to finally have a way to be proud of me. All parents deserve some bragging rights about their kids, especially their eldest child. Well, I realize that these just aren't good enough reasons to alter my reality. I feel that life teaches you what you need to know. We're lucky in this age that all you have to do is to know how to type your question and scan articles to learn about something you are interested in. Instantly you are an educated human being. I'm telling you, online self schooling. This has been enough for me so far, especially considering that I haven’t considered my interests in body mind sciences, psychology, biology, alternative medicine, etc. as something I want to do as a career.

Follow along as I provide some answers that I have learned from my own experiences, or re-capture the lessons from great books or movies so that you may learn their life changing messages. You will find links to purchase these books, e books or additional content. These usually will be affiliate links. A percentage of your purchase will come back to me so that I can provide more detailed content, a better presentation and you will be helping to promote the messages you hear of here.